I guess that is what happens when you exhale. Calamity strikes again. I thought to myself on Sunday night about my massive to-do list for the week. How every day needed to be carefully planned out and every moment utilized fully in order to accomplish all I needed to get done. HA!
Little miss woke up Monday morning with more snot, and coughing, a little weezy and totally lethargic. I thought “why procrastinate on the inevitable” and we headed out first thing to emerg to get her checked out.
This is where the confusion starts. I have taken Ella in with these symptoms before…its the same old, same old. It’s a virus, go home, wash your hands, lots of fluids…. But this time the nurse took her Oxygen levels which were sitting at 89%. So Ella was put on Oxygen and when the Dr. came, he ordered an x-ray. Lo and behold – pneumonia. He kept us there for a while and led me to believe that we would be able to go shortly. But Ella could not keep her O2 levels up on her own so we were checked into acute. (I am still thinking we were out of there by dinner.)
Long story short- yesterday, Ella was her chipper self all afternoon so with bags pack, (discharge papers even dated and signed) we check her O2 levels while she is sleeping and they are 64%. (Many would say that is practically dead).
Now let me explain something. At first, Dr. said that she could go home when she sustained 92% on her own. Then yesterday the bar drops and if she can maintain above 80% she can go home. And now she is at 64%. Oddly enough, no blue lips and relatively good colour. WHAT IS GOING ON!?! Who knows. I still don’t even know what happened but here we are – finally discharged this morning with Oxygen saturation at 86%.
So here we are, 10+ loads of laundry later, sleeping baby girl, my house as clean as I can get it and still baffled at why her O2 levels are so low and why none of the health care professionals seem to think this is a problem. I will go and get them checked in a couple days for my own peace of mind, but a mystery remains until then.
On a another note- BENNETT. Let us not forget about Bennett. If Bennett had pneumonia, it would have been a different story. Even $10 will make a change in Bennett’s life. He is at $990. Be the $10 that gets him to $1000. Please share his story and pray for him and all the other children that need homes.
Do you know what I love about the DS community. I have said it before, I will say it again- they are all so freaking amazing! Anything, questions, concerns, encouragement, anything and they are there. I ask about O2 levels and my insta-access to 780 moms who have all been through the same thing chime in with their experiences, encouragement and Prayers.
Check it out:
One of my personal favorites, good for a laugh every time. The Adventures of Pudge and Zippy
Little Emily, whose pic is on the right hand side. Life with E’s
Some amazing photography and another adorable Bennett. Our Unexpected Journey
Another little Ella who is a major trooper Sweet Ella Grace
Just a sampling! Enjoy!
Oh and one last thing- notice the new button on the side? Yup, made by me. I am trying something new and able to put my skills to use for good cause. So excited to be a part of something so AMAZING!
If you haven’t visited Reece’s Rainbow please do, be bold, be inspired, be moved.
About Me
Hi, I’m Krista.
Strategic communicator and storyteller.
I am the wife of a very talented musician who takes me around the world in pursuit of excellence. Mama to Jakob, Audrey and Ella, who just happens to have Down Syndrome.
And an aspiring disciple of Jesus, defender of the oppressed, writer, graphic designer and photographer.I write and speak on navigating through the fog of life…you know, when things don’t go exactly as planned and am fuelled by a passion to amplify the voices of those on the margins…
oh, and coffee…lots of coffee.Sign up for my Newsletter
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