We have officially been in Cambridge for over a week. We have met a few people and had some longer interactions and some not so long. Many questions have been asked about where we are from and what we are doing. How many children we have, how old they are, what their names are, etc. etc. etc.
And naturally or unnaturally the topic of Down Syndrome has not once come up.
Now, I understand that most people would not bring it up. Even I don’t want to be the idiot who asks you if your kid has Down Syndrome when they clearly do not, but its just a little weird. Before we came I thought about how I would have to explain it all over again. I rehearsed the script in my mind preparing for the questions I have heard a thousand times. “What is Down Syndrome?” or “She must not have it very bad”.
Not only that but Ella, at this point, has no therapy, or PREP, or friends. DS just doesn’t exist in our world right now. And while this summer has been a welcomed hiatus I am starting to get restless with Ella’s lack of non-physical progress. It’s time to get creative! If only I had the energy of Courtney.
On a side note: I have been asked if the kids are adopted. Surprise, surprise.
Here’s one from a little while ago. I found it today as I was going through some older pictures and just couldn’t resist.
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