I am the wife of a very talented musician who takes me around the world in pursuit of excellence. Mama to Jakob, Audrey and Ella, who just happens to have Down Syndrome.
And an aspiring disciple of Jesus, defender of the oppressed, writer, graphic designer and photographer.
I write and speak on navigating through the fog of life…you know, when things don’t go exactly as planned and am fuelled by a passion to amplify the voices of those on the margins…
oh, and coffee…lots of coffee.
There are few things in life that give me greater joy than filling in each perfect white square on a new calendar. That’s right, I haven’t graduated to an iphone or Blackberry. Bottom line: I like paper. I like the way it smells, I like seeing it all out in front of me. I like not staring at a computer screen 24 hours a day, although, I am pretty sure my parents think I do anyway.
September and January are two of my favourite months as they symbolize new beginnings, fresh starts and the chance to map out a plan. A plan – a scheme for doing, a sense of control, a way to get from a to b, a direction. Boxing Day comes and I find myself drooling over fresh packs of crayons, label makers and filing systems. My husband however, does not feel this way and it has been the source of perhaps, one or two fights over the years. So I sit jittery for 24 hours until I can, at last unveil THE PLAN. My goal is to have my house in order by January 1st so that I can start a new year without unresolved items from last year’s to-do list haunting me. I have never understood people that get completely drunk on New Years Eve: why would you want to start a new year like that? I like to be fresh, full of hope, headed in a direction with my road map in hand.
Laundry, cleaning, organizing, lists, lists, lists. I love it. The legendary Christmas let-down doesn’t have a chance in my house. Kelly over at The Complete Guide for Imperfect Homemakinghas some great ideas for 31 days to an organized home but here are my top ten things to do to “reset” your home before a new year dawns.
1. Clean out my email inbox (this means responding to emails that have been neglected and deleting all those boxing day sale notifications.
2. The junk drawer or in my case cupboard full of take-out menus I never intend on using
3. The kids clothes. I feel like I have to do this every 3 months since they grow like weeds, but here, the British don’t believe in storage space so the closet is at a premium.
4. Your own closet. Really, if you haven’t worn it in a year, chances are, you won’t wear it again.
5. You know that stack of papers that sits somewhere in your kitchen or on your desk that has no rhyme or reason. The one with bills, postcards, school notices, receipts, flyers, appointment notifications…..I could go on…yeah, deal with that.
6. The Diaper Bag or for trendy moms, your purse. I mean REALLY clean it out. Shake out every raisin and crumb from the abyss. Restock tissues, hand sanitizer, gum and whatever other goodies you keep on hand.
7. The Car. This is non-applicable for us here…as we don’t have one here in Cambridge, but it was always at the top of my list when we did have one. It always felt so good to know I was not sitting on chocolate bar crumbs.
8. The Toy shelf, chest, room or basement. Out with the old, in with the new. Then go and donate the toys that your kids have grown out of to a good cause like the Ronald McDonald House. (Each house has it’s own website so be sure to check into your local RM house.)
9. The refrigerator. This could possibly wait for later in the week when you have managed to gorge yourself on the last of the turkey and stuffing.
10. Brainstorm a list of goals, objectives, resolutions… or whatever you want to call your strategy for a great 2012!
I am the wife of a very talented musician who takes me around the world in pursuit of excellence. Mama to Jakob, Audrey and Ella, who just happens to have Down Syndrome.
And an aspiring disciple of Jesus, defender of the oppressed, writer, graphic designer and photographer.
I write and speak on navigating through the fog of life…you know, when things don’t go exactly as planned and am fuelled by a passion to amplify the voices of those on the margins…
oh, and coffee…lots of coffee.
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