Then I spend my free time making reading aids for Ella to try and giving her a boost on the speech and language development because we haven’t had any help but the reality is, she is still going to be delayed cognitively and in speech no matter how many stupid little games I make up and someone along the way will say that it was a mistake to put her in French Immersion, even though she would probably fail in English anyway, because they grade on expressive language and not receptive language. What is it all for?
And no matter how hard I try, no matter how good of a parent I try to be, no matter how much I try to do the right thing, my son will still be 6 and complain about almost everything. What is it all for?
And no matter how many jobs my husband applies for, no matter how much we try to network and get connected, and no matter how much we do for free, people will continue to ask him to work for free and he might just never get a job where he is expected to do more than the 20 hours he gets paid peanuts for.
And I want to be able to just swallow hard and bear my burden gracefully with poise and dignity
but apparently, that’s not in my DNA either.
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